If you are 50 years or older and have a large student loan balance, we are the financial guide for you.


Hi, I’m Erik Kroll.

I help those over 50 years old conquer their student loans.

I learned how to navigate the complex student loan universe from running my financial planning company, Hilltop Financial Advisors.

It didn’t take long for me to notice a few things:

  1. The older you are, the more challenging it becomes to manage student loans.

  2. The margin for error in handling loans decreases with age.

  3. Older borrowers often face more complex scenarios due to the complicated nature of the existing rules.

  4. There's a genuine need for guidance to assist in this intricate process of managing loans effectively.

I have a passion for helping others and having a positive impact on people’s lives. Every student loan case presents an opportunity for me to help you achieve peace of mind regarding your financial obligations.

We help you take advantage of every strategy possible to:

  • Pay the least amount on your loans

  • Reach your financial objectives without overpaying in taxes

We’re here to help you retire sooner & live a fulfilling life in your golden years.