Are you an older student loan borrower? These articles and guides will help you navigate student loan relief, pay off your debt, leverage your investments, and retire happy.
IDR Account Adjustment: Get Extra Credits For Past Payments
Have federal student loans? Make sure you’re qualified for the upcoming IDR account adjustment to help you reach repayment and forgiveness faster!
How To Plan Around Biden’s Loan Cancellation
Are you counting on Biden’s loan cancellation in 2023? I wouldn’t. Here’s where 2023’s Supreme Court case stands, and what to focus on instead.
Don’t Miss This 2023 REPAYE Update
What changes are coming to the REPAYE program for student loans in 2023? Learn how to prepare, maximize your benefits, and save thousands on student loans.
Download: The Student Loans Over 50 Playbook
My best strategies for cutting your monthly payments, growing your retirement assets, and reaching retirement sooner.