Are you an older student loan borrower? These articles and guides will help you navigate student loan relief, pay off your debt, leverage your investments, and retire happy.
Trump Won: How Does This Affect Your Student Loans?
Now that the election is over, you may start wondering what will happen with your student loans now that Trump has been elected. How does this affect double consolidation? What about the SAVE Plan?
Consider Forgiveness for Your Federal Student Loans
If you have a high balance on your federal student loans, pursuing a forgiveness strategy could be (A LOT) more effective than paying off your loans.
How To Maximize Your Loans Under the Double Consolidation Loophole
In this article, I will explain how to maximize Parent PLUS loans under the Double Consolidation Loophole.
We discuss strategies to separate loans for optimal consolidation, the importance of timing before the loophole closes, and the repayment plans available. You should act before deadlines to benefit from this loophole.
Balancing Retirement Savings and Student Loan Repayment: A Practical Guide
Struggling to balance retirement savings and student loan repayment? This guide offers practical tips for borrowers over 50, including how to prioritize retirement contributions, manage student loans with income-driven repayment plans, and make smart financial decisions. Discover strategies to secure your future without sacrificing debt management in this comprehensive post.
Download: The Student Loans Over 50 Playbook
My best strategies for cutting your monthly payments, growing your retirement assets, and reaching retirement sooner.